Tick Fever: Etiology, Treatment & Prevention

  1. Tick fever is a disease of sheep characterized by the development of internal abscesses caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The disease is normally triggered by infestation with Ixodes ricinu.

Etiology of Tick pyaemia:

Pyaemia results from the infection of lambs or sheep with Staphylococcus aureus. It is not directly transmitted by ticks, but S. aureus, usually found on the skin, may become pathogenic when transferred mechanically to the bloodstream via the bite of a ticks.

In contrast though, the sheep or deer tick Ixodes ricinus feeds on practically all animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles, humans and pets (particularly dogs). This tick can be active all year, but numbers start to increase from late March, peaking in late spring and summer and will remain active until October.

Clinical Signs of Tick fever:

For the initial diagnosis of tick pyemia clinical signs may include,

  •  fever
  • anemia
  • lethargy
  • reduced appetite
  • weight loss
  • pale mucous membranes
  • swollen joints
  • Tick fever clinical signs

 Diagnosis of Tick fever:

It is also known as tick pyemia or tick-borne fever.it cause a disease in lambs and is caused by the bacteria Anaplasma ovis. The disease is transmitted through the bite of infected ticks.

the clinical signs and laboratory tests, and examination for the presence of ticks are absorbed

  • Laboratory Tests:

Various laboratory tests can be used  for the diagnosis of tick pyemia. These tests may include:

Blood Smear:

A blood smear is examined under a microscope to check for the presence of Anaplasma organisms within red blood cells. it may appear as cluster.

Complete Blood Count (CBC):

A CBC helps evaluate the lamb’s red blood cell count, white blood cell count, and platelet count. Tick pyemia may cause anemia, decreased white blood cells, and thrombocytopenia (low platelet count).

Serological Tests:

Blood samples may be tested for the presence of specific antibodies against Anaplasma ovis. Serological tests, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) tests, can help confirm the infection.

Treatment of Tick fever:

  • Acaricides used to kill the ticks
  • ivermectin is used dose rate 1ml per 40kg body weight.
  • To avoid anemic condition supportive therapy give to the infected lambs.
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    • Treatment
  •  Immunity Development:

Before Fever :

  • In young lambs, pour-on preparations of cypermethrine or smears applied before lambs are moved from lambing fields to hill pastures reportedly control ticks effectively.
  • Administration of long-acting oxytetracycline at the time of risk can help prevent both tick borne fever and tick pyemia during the first weeks of life.

After Fever:

  • Vitamin B12, Neurobian, Amivicom in dextrose 5%,10%
  • Antistress vitamins minerals: i.e B12,vitamin C, selenium,methacobal.


  •  NSAIDs Meloxicam are used.

Antibiotics :

  •  The short-acting oxytetracycline  are regarded as the most effective treatment for tick borne fever, because other antibiotics such as penicillin, streptomycin, and ampicillin do not prevent relapses.
  • Sulfamethazine has also proved predicam,amovit,penbiotic,PPS 2,3ml also used.
  • For more detail Visit our website

Control of ticks:

The best ways to avoid tick bites are to:

  • use insect repellent on exposed skin
  • Insecticide
  • Sprays
  • pesticides
  • Ticks Repellent
  • pasture management
  • Fill the cracks properly in walls of Shed
  • Cleaning of animal.

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