COCCIDIOSIS is a parasitic disease of the internal intestinal tract of which the causative

agent is protozoa. A warm environment and high humidity (wet litter) is perfect for the

organism to multiply.

Etiology of COCCIDIOSIS:

The disease is caused by 9 different species of coccidia of which the most important are: Elmeria (E)) acervulina, E. necatrix, E. tenella, E. maxima and E. brunetti, each affecting a different part of the intestine.

Coccidial oocyst (developing eggs) are ever present in used litter contaminated by the

droppings of previous flocks. Birds are infected by ingesting the sporulated oocyst in feed,

water, litter, and soil. The organism can be transported on dust, shoes, baby chick boxes

and can survive for months in the litter.

SIGNS Of Coccidiosis:

• Bloody faeces

• Ruffled feathers

• Anemia

• Reduced head size and somnolence

• Droopiness and listlessness

• Loss of appetite

• Loss of yellow colour in shanks

• Pale combs and wattles

• Huddling or acting chilled

• Blood or mucus in the faeces

• Diarrhoea

• Dehydration

• Death.



Celmanax and some sulphonamides are the drugs of choice


• Use feed containing appropriate coccidiostats such as Hi-Pro Feeds

• Practice proper litter management to eliminate wet areas in the house

• Maintain and use the footbath as a method of preventing house to house contamination

• Keep your coop dry; coccidia proliferate in wet conditions. Remove and replace any wet litter.

• Keep water and feeders level to chickens backs to prevent them from pooping in them.

• Keep chickens in coop or enclosed in a roofed run during a long spell of rain and no sun. Let

them out when the ground has dried out.

• Keep grass short and make sure that the sun hits all the grass at least for some time of the

day. No deep shade spots if you have trees.

• Replace bedding and sanitize coop ensuring you use a product made to kill protozoans. If this

is not possible add a 6 inch layer of new bedding or gravel to coops and runs.

• Sanitize all feeders and waterers rinsing with natural- not synthetic- white vinegar and placing

in the sun to dry.

• Administration of Celmanax in drinking water during the first few days.



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