The highly infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) is also known as Gumboro in reference to the district

of Delaware, USA where it was first recognized. The disease usually affects birds that are 3-6

weeks old. The course of the disease is very short, stunting the bird’s growth and affecting its



The disease is caused by a Birnavirus which is quite stable and resistant to environmental

conditions and many disinfectants


IBD can be either clinical (apparent infection) in birds 3-6 weeks or sub-clinical (unapparent

infection) in birds 1-3 weeks

Clinical  signs of  IBD

• Whitish watery diarrhoea observed at 2-3 days with paste vents and vent pickings is

very common

• Sudden loss of appetite, ruffled feathers, trembling and lack of coordination

• Listlessness, paleness and depression, huddling and droopiness

• Mortality can be as much as 20% and morbidity ranges from 20% to 100%

Clinical signs usually disappear within 10-14 days


Subclinical IBD

• Little or no signs are observed

• Decreased body weight gain an increase feed conversion ratio

• Increased susceptibility to other diseases

• Reduce response to the vaccines as a result of immunosuppression

For more details and diseases click here


There is no treatment for IBD but the water administration of vitamins and electrolytes can

alleviate the severity of the disease.


• Vaccination of parent flocks

• Vaccination of Day old chicks at the hatchery

• Sanitation, though absolutely necessary, it is not totally effective because of the high resistance

of the IBD virus.

You can study more about IBD by Clicking Here

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